I am writing this partly because I feel for the first time in a long time that it is okay not to eat on plan every day! I have been fluctuating between 1/2 a stone loss since March and I can't push it any further. I am not going to over indulge but I am going to eat what I want if I am out for tea with friends. I am not going to punish myself over Christmas because that's what I am supposed to do. Why is everyone being so hard on themselves? I have made the decision to start from scratch in January. It is a good time to get yourself back on plan! I have put together 5 steps which I think will help me back on plan. 1. Weighing myself on 23rd December - Once I know how much I need to lose before the year ends it will make me all the more determined to go out and get it done. 2. Writing a food diary and keeping my Lifeline online up to date as much as possible. This will help because I can see what I am eating and where I am going wrong. 3. Exercising 3 times per ...
Just a girl, standing in front of the fridge, trying not to eat EVERYTHING!